

@quirkiesnft @meetnippy @Bridge3Labs @MutantHounds @MH_Inscriptions @SpaceRidersXYZ @WDoopsies @AlphiXYZ @LongLostNFT.

フォロー数:1627 フォロワー数:2164

Thanks to I am now a holder with a founders pass and he now has an alpha set, comics , background cards, and 3 extra Quirklings to enter the ecosystem at the highest tier. And I sniped the pickle head off of the floor Bcuz it’s mapped! LFQ!

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I realized 4 sets wasn’t enough for me so I had to hit up my boy and get something I liked . 5th Alpha set & comic secured thanks to . Maybe I’ll be happy when I reach 10 sets. We’re always sniping and accumulating here. No brainer .

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