

Stealing Knowledge・Shin Megami Tensei & Kazuma Kaneko ・Bael Lover, Rune Odin Lamenter, #1 Leonard fan・Kaneko's Crib Notes @ #kanekocribs ・@ me for Qs about SMT!

フォロー数:63 フォロワー数:829

Some obscure Kanekos I'd love to see in SMT5 that probably have no chance: Longinus, Bes, Jersey Devil, and Seere.

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Well, that's this fellow, of course (the one in the front wearing the cool tie). Combining the six wings apiece from the angel and devil Lucifers is just sating that aforementioned desire for the Devilman dozen. https://t.co/I8WH1HbsP8

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A debut, LHAM DEARG is a chip off the immortal block of Christopher Lambert's Connor MacLeod from HIGHLANDER! Between the fur cloak, plated leathers, and tartan, the details in Kaneko's design are nigh identical to Lambert's costume in the production photo shown.

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At Streaming Knowledge, we care deeply about mythology, especially Egyptian gods and how they are portrayed. Join us as we muse about SMT5's mysteries, especially the enigmatic green Nile god below. Ptah? Sata???


oh the game is dante's inferno psp

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No gimmicks tonight, just more Devil Survivor!


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Rips of Angra Mainyu’s and Indrajit’s Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2 artwork. Credit goes to “holy ghosts.”

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Did you know the SMT4 angels are accurate? Because in the Bible they always say "be not afraid" which can only mean they look like Jackson Pollock paintings.

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