

—Я люблю рисовать и заниматься всякой фигнёй.
—I like to draw and do stuff.

フォロー数:37 フォロワー数:8

Forgot to tweet the art 😳
Here's Kokichi and Kibo

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Просто посмотрите на этих крошек 🤧
Но попрошу нарисовать Сакуру. Она просто булочка и хочется посмотреть, как ты её нарисуешь 🥴💖

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Toko Fukawa annoys me, but still warm feelings appear when I see her)
And here I imagined how it would look in the mafia. Most likely, I will draw a couple of characters with this theme🥴

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I decided to sketch Hover and Notning. They are too cute)

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(I am a foreigner and my English level is terrible.)
I was inspired by the series which even invented the oc. This is one of my main characters who has a rather nasty character.

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