

Art twitter of @Ekkoberries || ❤️ @PalePyramid || Mostly VNdev and Watercolor || 💌: [email protected]

フォロー数:149 フォロワー数:6910

All finished with week 4's devlog!

The final stretch!! Just tiny things to finish up now, and then the game'll be out on Friday!

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Week 3's devlog is up!
Much better this week, finally getting somewhere after being sick the first 2 weeks!

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All done with week 2's devlog!

A little LESS rough this week, things are slowly coming together and preparing to really speed up in the coming 2 weeks!

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Here's the devlog for Week 1!!

A pretty rough week for me personally, but Zoe to the rescue with a ton of cute art!

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Counting down the days to NaNoReNo (So I'll be pivoting to that during March!!) But slowwwly inbetween I'm gonna try and get a pixelly pc-98 looking personal project VN made too

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Working on the sketch for the itch thumbnail (it fits nicely on A5 paper!)

Hoping to get the page up in the next day or two *__*

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(got some color tweaks to make to better match the digital ver, but)

I'm so excited for the watercolor sprites, I love the look they have to them *____*

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Full ver of both now they're all cleaned up

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Once I've checked I like how these look within renpy i can start the watercolor portion of my winterjam project which is the part im most excited about

progress slowly coming along there too, spirtes no longer explode

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painted some JKHA watercolors and using them as testing ground for getting clean .pngs out of my tad work

finally got a process down (tho everyone other than MC is a WIP rn)

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