

Eyo 🔥 20+ | He/Him | Artist and Yapper | Occassional 🔞| Multifandom + OCS | You may use my art for pfp, headers, etc.. with credits 🩵 PFP: @ZETTA_AZNEC

フォロー数:609 フォロワー数:1222

Noxian!Au Ekko cause hes the man that will play true mind games with you-


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Another oc of mine except this time its very old one goin under name of Abigail Eclipse and her family is known for being experiment subjects as kids. Now she serves in army as one of the best soldiers and pilots..


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Everyone doin' meet the artist so i did one for myself as well..

At 3 am pfffsh

Green Tags:
?? ig

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Also have this pencil fast art of Noxian!AU Ekko i made for future purposes, but when ill finish it noone knows so here is at least this..


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I srsly need sleep i misspeled my own character named Yozora and not yoroza

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Since im finally done with all my bs in real life i can get back to drawing peacefully and also trying out another drawing application.. may as well try animations in it

but for first art here have project Ekko without his baggy pants hidin toaster


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Arcane inspired me and decided to draw a bit younger Ekko

- Ekko.. darlin that shirt is too big :"D But he'll grow into it dont worry hehe


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Well there it is :D The headphones are the cutest thing and it makes it so wholesome i cant..


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Fast art from one of my and Yawakis rps.. felt like drawing this would be cute idea and decided to post it here as well :D


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