Juan Ponceさんのプロフィール画像

Juan Ponceさんのイラストまとめ

I write comics, such as SCARLET WITCH #9 (BACKUP STORY), VOICES: AMERICA CHAVEZ, 33, MARVEL’S VOICES, and A MATCH. What's up with you? 📧:[email protected]

フォロー数:5052 フォロワー数:1627

Thank you to all of you who have bought and supported 33!

It’s day 3 and we’re at 42 backers:)How’s about we hit 50 before day 4!

“If you enjoy National Lampoon’s Vacation or The Equalizer, you’ll want to back Thirty-Three”

Link: https://t.co/PzATg3G7px

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I hope you enjoyed this preview. My goal when writing this story was too make something action packed, funny, and touching. Something that would stick with the reader.

With your support we’ll finally get get this mad indie out in the world:)

Link: https://t.co/My7RxC26Kf

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These awesome pages are brought to you by the amazing team of (artist), (colorist), and (letterer). Editor !

33 is complete so every backer will get there e-copy by March 11!

Link: https://t.co/PzATg3G7px

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Hey everyone!

Our mature dark-action-comedy 33 just launched on !

Down below I’ve included THE FIRST 7 PAGES OF CHAPTER 2! 😱

We need your support to get our beautiful trade paperback in stores.

Link to support 33: https://t.co/PzATg3G7px



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This isn’t even scratching the surface of what 33 is all about. Trust me, this book will hit you on a level you’re not expecting.

Thank you so much for checking out this preview!

I hope you’ll consider helping us bring this comic to life!


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The first chapter of 33 is brought to you by the amazing team of (artist), (colorist), and (letterer).

For you art collectors, Marco Finnegan has a something very special available on our campaign page!

Link: https://t.co/My7RxC26Kf

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Let’s highlight a cool prize that all reward backers will receive!

All 5 digital issues of 33!
These awesome books make up the trade—which all reward backers will also receive on 3/11, in pdf form!

Each issue will have behind the scenes & art!

Link: https://t.co/My7RxC26Kf

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33 is now live on !

Epic art by &

Beautiful colors by &

Brilliant lettering by &

Edited by the amazing


Link: https://t.co/My7RxC26Kf

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