

I make original/fanart anime drawings, no affiliation unless explicitly stated|+18 only kthx

フォロー数:9599 フォロワー数:16264



What is known is that fox folk traditionally love fried tofu, what they don't tell you is what's happening with the younger generation.

These new age hipster Kitsune will destroy conversation and won't stop saying that vegan life is better. Despite being raised on omnivore diet.

2 23

damned new age zoomer QC

i got a box that included the beyblade and the grip but somehow they forgot to pack the damned launcher

0 8

there should be a 90's kid card so i,a fully grown adult, can walk into a store and get beyblades for myself without feeling awkward

2 39

I need a stronger belt grinder, been grinding for 3 hours straight and still nowhere near where I need to be on the blade thickness

0 6

You know, the longer I think about it, the more Endgame played out like the usual Disney movie about self-discovery and moral values with some action scenes in between.

If I go see RLM later and they don't mention this I'm going to be miffed.

0 6

Alraunes have very decent acupunctural and other traditional medicine skills despite not being classically Chinese and are worse market disruptors than white people opening up "dimsum, cake and coffee" cafes


2 17

It's scary how good the new snapchat filter is, I legit look like my mom

0 14

This is very tempting

3 14