

Chronic goblin doodler
member of @trashmobsvt

フォロー数:1242 フォロワー数:177

I hope I'll be able to stream full time again soon, in the meantime I'm going to do my best to post art more often to make up for it, been thinking about working on a lore series so here's some early concepts for that

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Y'all asked for this...
Happy Birthday

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not a lot of finished projects recently, here's a couple sketches for now~

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gonna try and get back into a routine of daily sketching until my life settles down a bit and I can start streaming again lol

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Realized I forgot to post these two from my art stream a few days ago 😅
we were workin on banners for the channel! I got some more art cookin too, just been real picky lately lol

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something a little different, trying to rein in my use of shading a bit

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procrastinating from my other art projects by sketching one of my characters lol

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