Fódlanomicon: A FE3H Eldritch Horror Zineさんのプロフィール画像

Fódlanomicon: A FE3H Eldritch Horror Zineさんのイラストまとめ

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Info doc: tinyurl.com/yrwytp8c
Carrd: eldritchfodlan.carrd.co
Shop: fodlanomicon.bigcartel.com

フォロー数:11 フォロワー数:603

Everything is fine -- at least, that's what Yuri's letters home tell his mother. But 's fic reveals a darker truth...

2 12

Byleth turns against Sothis in 's page art. What would the outcome of such a conflict be like?

2 12

Hear ye, hear ye! Come 'round and hearken to the tale of Saint Felix's conversion -- tells the tale in all its historic glory

2 13

Scribes of Mysteries🧪
No tale is meant to remain a secret for the most curious of scribes. Uncovering mysteries and transcribing the old tongues are their purpose.

7 19

Moonstruck Artificers🧪
It takes but a single contact with an enchanted trinket to open the gates to madness, such is the craftmanship of the void-touched artificers.

7 16

Illustrators of Madness🧪
Enlightened souls are bound to depict the truth of its insidious aspects. None should cover their eyes from these revelations.

8 28

Ominous clouds hang low in the sky, casting a dark cloud on all of Fódlan. None suspect what terrible fate will befall them by days end...

Last chance to get your application in! Apps close TONIGHT at Midnight PST.

12 20

The scholar lets out a weary sigh, his preparations finally complete. With one final check of his calculations, he submits his thesis and begins his descent into madness.

Two days left to apply!

15 19

Screeches like nails on a chalkboard draw the Old Ones' attention. It is the Head Horror, spurring them into action. Many have made offerings to them, and soon, they must answer their call.

Three days left to get your apps in!

5 10

Creaking groans echo throughout the halls of the abandoned monastery, sounding off a warning for those keen enough to hear it.

One week remains to get your apps in!

20 24