

🌸 Ollie | 20 | They/She/He | Straightn't 🌸

Yo, I'm a digital artist who wants to get into animation or graphic novels. We'll see how that goes 💖🍓🍑

フォロー数:580 フォロワー数:163

Hmm... I'm gonna drop Zion here!

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4: I have plenty of villains! Bradley, Axel, and Dominic are more in antihero territory at this point, but Naoki, Graham, and Axon are definitely villains.

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3: Hhh picking a favorite is hard. Right now I'd say it's between Tsugumi, Prince Iskra, and of course, Thirteen. As you can see, I love pretty boys. Tsugumi is a sweetheart who likes reading, Iskra is a dyslexic elf prince, and Thirteen is a dumbass incubus

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1: My oldest OC would have to be Liz! She started out as a self insert of sorts when I was around seven. Ten years later and she's a badass! She's good with a sword and even though she might seem unapproachable/irritable, her greatest desire is to help people

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Your art is really cute! Here's some of mine! I love using bright colors and pointy ears 💖💕

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Oof, hopping in here! I'm Liv and I produce c o n t e n t 💖💜

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Hhh this is way too late but hi! I'm Liv and here's some of my stuff!

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First one that came to mind for me was Ilima from Pokemon. Then Yuri from Yaribu, but that's a whole mess

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Hiya, I'm Liv and this is the content I produce! I still have quite a ways to go but I love using bright colors and drawing elves, demons, and robots. I have a bunch of little projects I work on and I love hearing about other people's projects too!

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