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#DanishPainters Selling this week at #BruunRasmussen's is #VictorQVISTORFF's "Sailboats off the coast of #Skagen", #Skagen, 1929, oil on cardboard, 26.5×34.5 cm.
#PleinAirPaintingUSA #ContemporaryUSPainters "Sonja In The Garden" (12x12 ins.), by #SallyROSENBAUM, Aug. 2018
#DanishPainters Selling at #BruunRasmussen’s this week : #JenSØNDERGAARD (1895-1957) "Cliffs at Bovbjerg, #Jutland", oil on canvas, 96×106 cm.
#AmericanPainters Yet another lovely still life by #SallyROSENBAUM... "Tropicana Roses and Plums" - Jan2018
#DanishPainters #SkagenMuseum Beautiful ! "Maren Sofie OLSEN With a Red Scarf" (1887), by #MichaelANCHER @SkagensMuseum
Notre sympathique matheux #CédricVILLANI ne se laisse pas impressionner par #Mélenchon... https://t.co/KOxYDdTIxc via @Sciences_Avenir
#PleinAirPaintingUSA Enjoying #SallyROSENBAUM's "Sunlight and Shadows from my Orchard Avenue House" (May 2017)
#ContemporaryArt #London I see several #MariaLASSNIG paintings are selling in London this spring- here: "Rowitha Avalon" (1971), Oil/Canvas
#ContemporaryUSPainters How #SallyROSENBAUM can re-create "Three Pink Roses"... (oil on canvas, 6x8 inches, #AfterPhotograph)
#BandeDessinée Excellente sortie récente de #Zidrou et #Oriol: "#LesNaturesMortes": et un #dessin superbe, comme ds "La peau de l'ours"...