

Digital Artist
Pvz Fan and stuff
Usually Makes Artworks of Ocs and Fanart from time to time.
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Frequently posts Wips

フォロー数:234 フォロワー数:1023

you mean my wacky characters actually are furries!!??!1!111

1 17

Them but colored [i may or may not used different lineart for this]

1 7

"To the Northern Colder parts just a bit from the forest, lies a city lying in the Snow, Winter-mint plants usually live here"

i need bg characters so like pvz artists, gib winter-mint looking plants plz

0 11

"We had a fun time talking about our experiences of time travel! i guess she had more responsibility than me, her stories were... pretty nuts. Something about protecting timelines? it's all too hard for me to understand."

9 37

Green shadow and nightcap but good

0 4