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One night a star asked me:
"Why don't you leave him if he makes you cry?"
I answered:
"Star, did you leave your heaven?"
Nice evening everyone! 💫💫💫

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Good morning, !!!! ... Life is full of .... so ..... make time for !!!! ... smile ... love ... !!!!!

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Beautiful night for you too Karim !

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Good night ! Lovely dreams and peaceful sleep! 💫

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Thank you Karim ! 💕🥰💕
Have a special and exciting
Sunday ! Warm hugs from here 🤗

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Happy Thursday Mats ! 🤗☘🤗
Have a great and safe day ! 😊💛

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Having a mother is like always having a blanket for the cold, an umbrella for the rain, bread for hunger, water for thirst....
Mother’s love is unconditional and eternal. ♡♡♡

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Happy Thursday my dear friends! 🤗
Today choose to dance to the rhythm of your own heart 💖💖💖
Go with the ebb and flow of your soul ....🕊🕊🕊
Shine bright, share your light and let your spirit soar !🪁🪁🪁

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“At night, I open the window and ask the moon to come and press its face against mine. Breathe into me. Close the language-door and open the love-window. The moon won’t use the door, only the window. ”
- Rumi - *☆✨*☆✨*☆✨*☆✨*☆

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Boenas noches ⭐💫⭐💫

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