Considering using Telegram more, but I super don't like read receipts. I often take a while to respond to chat messages and I don't want people taking it personally or pinging me for responses. o|-<
If any mutuals or comfy acquaints would like to chat me up there, lemme know!!
This wind affinity Dirvys is up for adoption for $100 USD. Design is readable enough that I didn't think a back view was necessary. However, if you want a back view, add $45 USD!
Also they are wrapped up in a towel on the right. LOL
Same deal for accidentally resizing your palette docks. Head over to Window -> Palette dock -> and select these three if you don't wanna accidentally resize or move them.
The very first ferrin. 🥹 He was a ferrin since 2006 or so, about 6~7 years before I made ferrin into a species for others to use. I'm so happy with how far the species has come. 💕