

Amateur artist, anime lover and a giggly mess.

フォロー数:153 フォロワー数:312

More chibi art. Sad and pouting Seto
Probably won't post for a good bit. Back to coding.

(Seto has permission to use the pics if he wishes)

1 1

So... change of plans. Gonna be drawing more potato babies. Have a sticker.

(Seto has permission to use these if he wants)

6 38

One more potato baby fanart before I disappear for another 200 years? Sounds like a plan.
(Seto has permission to use this however he wishes)

4 26

and then there's seto. Haha luv u guys.

3 10

The shadow is after ya booty . Anyway hope you enjoy this lil thing I made.

2 37

# Lauroth I'm just gonna... leave this here.

20 87

This is for you JinBop-senpai-kun-san-chan.

7 56

I have just finished a fan art of Ianite :3

1 18

Thanks for all the smiles.I hope u like this drawing. Don't let the hate get to u and just be u :3

1 14