

Winners POV. My banner was made by @tweet17_tweet

フォロー数:1146 フォロワー数:735

Mecha Sonic Mk. III has genuinely the hardest sonic design ever and it pains me everyday I remember that they never used it

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I love this goofy little NiGHTS into dreams feller

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I've noticed something, the three character archetypes I like the most are:
1.) Mentally ill buff guy
2.) Little goofy evil critter (bonus if they have sharp teeth)
or 3.) Combo of the two

Idk what to do with this information

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The shitfuckers meetup

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Looking through old posts on discord and finding this drawing made by pepper, I was thinking about if I started dressing like this like a week ago ngl

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I'm looking through old discord dms and I don't even remember this happening, who the fuck

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V1 has been deployed

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