

☕gamer 🎮🏆 artist 🎨

フォロー数:139 フォロワー数:110


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Attack on Titan ep7 .. so creepy ⊙▂⊙ しかし素晴らしい
エレン transform into a Titan!! Σ(゚Д゚)

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I think i'm going to paint this pic in my wall (。・ω・。)

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just started watching this anime i don't know if i'm going to complete it
is it good?

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おやすみなさい GOOD NIGHT 

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my life is empty and boring without you guys (running man) 愛。愛

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うらやましい وين انتم ياللي نازل لكم مطرر.. احنا بس ثلج (;¬_¬) !

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my stupid laptop suddenly shutting down on his own while i am working..and i didn't save my 3 hours of progress...

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