

🕯Artist & Writer / Brontë Sisters Inspired Art

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'My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath - a source of little visible delight...Nelly, I am Heathcliff - He's always, always in my mind- not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself - but as my own being.'
Wuthering Heights: Emily Brontë

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'You are not a servant at the Hall, of course. You are - ' He stopped, ran his eye over my dress, which... was quite simple - a black merino cloak, a black beaver bonnet... He seemed puzzled to decide what I was - I helped him.
'I am the governess.'
Jane Eyre: Charlotte Brontë

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23rd April 1814: Maria Brontë, the first child of Patrick and Maria Brontë was christened in Thornton,  Yorkshire. The first of six children, she was intelligent, lively and kind and much beloved by her four younger sisters and brother.
Artwork: BornInPrimroses by EmilyInGondal

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11th February 1842: Charlotte Brontë later remembered the frenetic bout of sightseeing as: '...many a time I was fit to drop with the fever and faintness resulting from long fasting and excessive fatigue.'

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'And this (feather) - I should know it among a thousand - it's a lapwing's. Bonny bird; wheeling over our heads in the middle of the moor. It wanted to get to its nest, for the clouds had touched the swells, and it felt rain coming...'
Wuthering Heights: Emily Brontë

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It was about the middle night
And under such a starless dome
When gliding from the mountain's height
I saw a shadowy spirit come
Poem: Emily Brontë: 12th January 1839
Artwork: ShadowSpirit by EmilyInGondal

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High waving heather 'neath stormy blasts bending
Midnight and moonlight and bright shining stars
Darkness and glory rejoicingly blending
Earth rising to heaven and heaven descending
Poem: Emily Brontë: December 13th 1836
Artwork: HeatherHigh by EmilyInGondal

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25th September 1847: Charlotte Brontë wrote to friend Ellen Nussey: 'My boxes came safe this morning - I have distributed the presents...Tabby was charmed with her cap...Emily is just now sitting on the floor of the bed-room where I am writing, looking at her apples -

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4th February 1836: Charlotte wrote; It is the still small voices alone that comes to me at eventide, that which like a breeze with a voice in it over the deeply blue hills, it is that which wakes my spirit & engrosses all my living feelings & like Haworth & home wakes sensations.

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