

Amateur artist and wildlife enthusiast from northeast England. Contributed to the book "Into the Red" - bto.org/intothered

フォロー数:1192 フォロワー数:2737

One of the self-sown primulas from the garden…
day 3
I'm posting my art everyday for 10 days to promote positivity, camaraderie and love of art.
I'd like to nominate anyone who wishes to take part

1 19

Tree sparrows at maximum floof in the cold weather

12 78

Dunlin, foraging on the tideline. These tiny little waders have a downturned bill, giving them a slightly mournful expression

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Curlew trying to find breakfast and avoid the attentions of some very annoying redshank. I’ve never seen waders pestering a curlew before, though the gulls do it regularly (and they’ve attack the redshank too)

12 88

On a visit to Wharfedale this week, the oystercatchers are already back on their breeding grounds; they’re ground-nesting birds so very vulnerable; look out for them and keep dogs on leads if you’re out walking, thanks

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Purple sandpipers in the rocks - ink and watercolour sketch

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My bird books always call knot ‘dumpy’, which I feel is a bit rude and makes me wonder about the writers’ own physiques….this one was skipping quite nimbly through the seaweed yesterday

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This pair of red-breasted mergansers have been in Middlehaven dock for the past week - great-looking ducks, the male almost dragon-ish with his red eyes and wild crest

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Some sketches from my at the weekend - ended a bit prematurely when a sparrowhawk flew over; she didn’t stop but it was enough to clear the garden

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Rough sketch of a male eider duck - they have such gorgeous colours in the sunshine

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