

"Good timber does not grow with ease, the stronger the winds the stronger the trees."

フォロー数:28 フォロワー数:9

Another game in 2021 I am really looking forward to playing is Kena: Bridge of Spirits from Gameplay looks super fun and the graphics are beautiful - love the art direction of this one! Had to do a sketch card.

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Haven't been this hyped for an FF game in a long while! FFXVI looks so good I had to do a card for it! Feels good to be excited for the series again having been a huge fan, it's why I use Roman numerals for my name!😎👍

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"When you walk away, you don't hear me say... Pleeease..." Like, RT, and follow for more artwork!😬Sketch card of Sora from the awesome PS2 classic, Kingdom Hearts!

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Sketch card for the game that made into a collector, Bomberman 64! It and The Second Attack! are 2 of the best N64 titles, I'd even put them up there with Mario 64 and OoT 😎

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I remember when Demon's Souls was first announced, I bought a PS3 for it based on the reveal trailer alone... ZERO REGRETS!!!😈👍The remake is pretty legit too.

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Sketch card of my favorite street fighter, Juri Han! Named my hunter in MHW after her 😈

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Sketch card of the BEST Final Fantasy game!😆 FF8 is still my favorite in the series, got the best mini-game ever. When's the remake ???

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Sketch card of Takuma (Terry) Tsurugi from the 1974 film, The Street Fighter! (no connection to the games) Check these movies out, they're crazy!

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Sketch card of Iron Chef Chinese Chen Kenichi to round out my series of Iron Chef cards!

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Sketch card of Kull the Conqueror! 👑Awesome movie, check it out!

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