

Main account: @EndzOfficial | This account is used only for commissions, raffles, and adopts, pls follow my main for all OCs, world building, and fanart! ⚢

フォロー数:167 フォロワー数:2994

Christmas gift for my brother, he came up with the concept awhile ago and I redrew it as a gift

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Finally finished this bust shot of my Javlen! Species is by RunningRiot4798

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Made my own ! Species is created by RunningRiot4798, making a bust shot of this girl now!

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Tried a new more detailed style for this, I love it so I’ll probably stay with this style for most digital art

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I couldn’t find a better one of that one so will this one work? The artist is RunningRiot4798

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This is really nice of u to do this! Thanks again ^^

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Little surprise I had in making, I know it’s not Christmas yet but I wanted to make it now since I’m busy in holidays, thank u for being in my life, u mean a lot to me and I couldn’t be where I am today without u, I love u so much, ich liebe dich so sehr :‘)

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Should I offer these style icons as commission in the future?

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Tried a new style for fun, and also as a gift for :)

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