

Illustrator inspired by nature and terrible puns. More ducks than strictly necessary.

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Ooh a really old one I have just come across - a heilan coo-kie!

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What’s a marine mammals favourite dance to perform on Why, the narwhaltz of course!

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On of the larger flying mammal species…

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Finished product below!

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Apologies for mentioning Christmas in September, but wanted to share one of my new designs for this year - bau-bullfinches. I love these birds!

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Now it is less than 100 days until the day where we sit around trees and get new socks, I thought I’d share a sneak peek of my 2022 Seasonal designs! Coming to cards and jumpers near you very soon!

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A lesser-spotted aquatic mammal…

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Another Wednesday, another wader. For today’s I have a ruff feeling a bit under the weather… but looking fabulous nonetheless!

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I need to go out and feed my crowd of sparrows - they are lined up on the phone line and shouting for breakfast…

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Not seabirds for a change, but some of the most well-loved birds! With their less-conventional identifying features…

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