

フォロー数:1806 フォロワー数:2683

Happiest of birthdays to ❤️🤌 What an amazing year it has been!
I won this amazing Tupac Chum at marbles today and I am in love 😍 Thank you so much Chum Mama and Chum Daddy

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Happy birthday Chums 🤌🏾❤️🥂🎉

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Gary knows 🤌🏾❤️🔥🥂

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Received my Outer Citizen I purchased with Stardust from the Stardust store🎉 Thank you 🙏❤️

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1yr ago, I entered server and saw the coolest, happiest community I'd ever seen in the space. I went right away to OS & bought a Fren. I came back and showed them and I got bumrushed with joy! So of course, I went & got another, & another... 20+ now, forever Fren 🖖🏾❤️

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