

Thomas Poole - I draw and animate and play D&D.
Contact: [email protected]

フォロー数:598 フォロワー数:4916

You vaaahnt to liiike zis tveeeet

1 47

My warmup turned into Green at some point in the process

7 62

Drew a couple npc portraits yesterday that I can sadly only share one of cause the rest would be campaign spoilers for my players.

Anyway this is the party paladin's mother and she has unhealthily clingy Mother Gothel energy.

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The party investigates a series of grisly goat-murders

6 26

Sure! It's all pretty old art so forgive the wildly varying qualities and styles. I managed to find one of each season, though it seems all I had of Autumn was an unfinished sketch.

0 10

Y'know, I used to be what the Nuzlocke comic community referred to as "a pretty big deal."

3 50

A big ol' happy birbday to !

9 77