

Generating art using the @EpoLabs AI tools

フォロー数:7 フォロワー数:17
# aiart

A star wars and death note mashup!

prompt: star wars in the style of death note
algo: Stable Diffusion

2 5

Gorgeous lighting 🔆 ..

prompt: "glass castles in the sky"
algo: Stable Diffusion

11 39

"lightning never strikes the same place twice" .. 👀

3 7

Speaking of cats, the AI had a very difficult time generating these 💀

Honestly, the 3rd picture is one of the most unnerving images I've seen generated 🙈 ..

7 15

"digimon fighting pokemon"

I mean, it's trying to portray the scene... 😅

0 2

Adding "fantasy" and "concept art" as modifiers to your prompts can generate some beautiful results 🤔 ..

3 8

A pink cat running in the wild? 😽

algo: Stable Diffusion

4 15