

Illustration, cats & toy nerd ✨ Penguin Random House (USA) Netflix, Archie Comics, Garfield, Grumpy Cat

フォロー数:396 フォロワー数:4043

Practising digital colours and character design. Even though I've been freelancing for over 10 years now, there's never enough to finesse, practise and learn!

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Here are a few Stitch drawings for (which was actually last week!!)
This guy-designed by Chris Sanders-has that perfect blend of creepy and cute and is one of the more unique designs in animation imo.

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Possibly my favourite Australian animal ❤️

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I decided to redraw that Lemur from a few weeks back to try and make him even more cute!

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I’ve jumped on the draw from memory thing (sorry, not sorry)

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Speaking of those cereal monsters, I'm throwing allll the way back to 2020 when I drew these guys! I'm also really excited to read that is celebrating their 50th Anniversary this year!

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Happy Mother’s Day!💚💚💚

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Here are those finished Lemur designs 🖤

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I commissioned amazing 3D artist Daniel D’souza to make my Red Panda illustration 3D. I think he interpreted my design perfectly ✨✨

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Watch out kids, there’s a new Hamburglar in town 🍔 💰

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