Erin Ptah 💕さんのプロフィール画像

Erin Ptah 💕さんのイラストまとめ

Artist, humanist, fangirl. LGBTQ fantasy comics w/ language jokes, trauma/recovery, time travel, & cats.

フォロー数:116 フォロワー数:426

2) Summaries!

BICP: A meditation on ethical behavior towards human-created AIs in the form of cute fluffy animals. Also, God is dead, it's canon.

Leif & Thorn: Magical romance crosses barriers of nationality, race, class, native language, and in one case a literal stone wall.

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Of the top 4 fan-favorite Leif & Thorn ships:

🌹 Leif/Thorn fails, height difference
📺 Rowan/Archie fails, Rowan has depression
🦇 Stanczia/Imri fails, they met when Imri was a teen
🌴 Mata/ acceptable for queer men to ship! But nobody else

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...anyway, the current Leif & Thorn arc involves a pan black trans woman, who is also a single mom with a disability, which is not something you have to "force" because none of those traits make any of the others less likely! That's not how it works!

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Hi I make comics!

But I'm A Cat Person is about two girls & their dog, who is also a magical shapeshifting battle monster:

Leif & Thorn is a bilingual ensemble romcom, in a fantasy world that's chill about gender roles:

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Magical boys of webcomics! The heroes of Magical How?, at very different levels of seriousness.

created by

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Hey I'm Erin Ptah, of:

🐱But I'm A Cat Person

🌹Leif & Thorn

Like 'em? Support 'em:

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Hi let me show you my webcomics:

🌹 Leif & Thorn

🐱 But I'm A Cat Person

and tell you that you can support them on Patreon:

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