

30 | 🇲🇽 | A furry artist

フォロー数:627 フォロワー数:904

Furry artist vs A frustrated graphic designer without working as a designer

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Today there were many clients with heavy money so...

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First Video Game: Gran Turismo
Last video game: RDR
Best Video Game: Destiny 2, Spec Ops: The Line, Silent Hill 2
Worst Video Game: Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness

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Irl I only have the cap and boots

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It's not a road sign, even though I love racing video games, I still don't drive a car, yet. But this is the closest for not liking crowded places .... and the foot fetish so 2x1

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Not the best year, and I´m not a good mood for personal problems

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