🌹Saint Vanir🌹さんのプロフィール画像

🌹Saint Vanir🌹さんのイラストまとめ

i draw things, write dumb high fantasy political drama and yell about it sometimes. they/them, 30, non-binary lesbian, very tired

フォロー数:0 フォロワー数:271

Some detail shots because Twitter shrank this down a lot and also I'm in love with this piece.

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Hi omg I love your character designs, wow. ; 0; I'm Saint and I do lots of D&D/OCs because I just think they're neat.

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6. Tbh I didn't draw much at all 2 years ago (massive art slump). I only started a back up with drawing last year so you get stuff that's 1-4 years old instead.

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2. This nerd, my favorite OC Raos, He's also my favorite to commission art of, because of course he is. He's just so pretty and fun to put in fancy outfits.

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Hi I like Dungeons and Dragons and OCs a lot. x:

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Some disgusting OC threesome content based on the worst shirt I've found this week.

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Hi I'm Saint, I like drawing OCs and I'm busy piledriving my four year creative slump into the dirt. >:O

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Zooooooooop (thanks twitter for chopping Sohu's head off!)

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My wife's OC Freya is a nephilim if that counts. Drawing her wings is A Lot.

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Dumbass Nier meme??? Dumbass Nier meme.

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