🌹Saint Vanir🌹さんのプロフィール画像

🌹Saint Vanir🌹さんのイラストまとめ

i draw things, write dumb high fantasy political drama and yell about it sometimes. they/them, 30, non-binary lesbian, very tired

フォロー数:0 フォロワー数:271

Howdy, I'm Saint and I mostly draw dork-ass OCs. It's a fun time! Thank you so much for the thread. <3

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More wonky garbage doodle commissions for . These got popular fast!

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A shitty doodle commission for hell yea babey

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Autticus Grandule

-Token white-haired anime guy destined for death
-Owns so many cats
-Life refuses to let him have nice things
-Forced into ruling a whole country by himself when he was like... 12
-Big Dad Energy
-Raos' dad hates him and wants his throne
-Cold hands, warm heart

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Nickolai Albers

-Edgy Backstory Assassin™
-Killed both his parents and younger brother
-Worst fear is vampires
-Master of an assassin guild
-Fell in love with enemy guild
-Has no fashion sense outside of black clothing
-Disaster bisexual
-Secretly loves plants and art

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Jholi Sinfai
-Raos and Freya's hot boyfriend
-Him big
-Looks scary, is really super polite & nice (kinda impulsive tho)
-Name is pronounced "Yoli"
-Same race as Raos (drakken) but has way less dragon genes
-Became a knight to date two specific people
-Has been through some shit

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Raos Erostoana
-Half dragon, half NERD
-The "Favorite"
-Bi, shy and ready to cry
-Has a lot of shit to sort out bc his dad picked too many fights then died.
-Rich frilly aristocrat (archduke)
-Personality: books and anxiety
-Somehow has a wife and a boyfriend

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Bless Jholi's poor little bisexual heart. And bless Kindar for attempting to be his impulse control. Is becoming a knight to flirt with gorgeous nobles bi culture? If not, it should be.

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I draw the occasional furry every once in a while because I like money. My focus is mostly fantasy humanoid OCs but I love learning how to draw more beasty things too!

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