

An account full of silly science comics & occasionally irreverent blog posts. For new content, see our website or one of our other social media accounts.

フォロー数:26 フォロワー数:30077

Anyone that has spent time with a cat knows that they defy almost all known science

34 145

Anyone that has spent time with a cat knows that they defy almost all known science

39 138

Anyone that has spent time with a cat knows that they defy almost all known science 🐈

23 142

Academic funding and Christmas pudding

21 96

A simple egg chart showing why scientists love eggs

18 31

ErrantScience roundup: No touching the coronavirus buffer

2 6

Cartoon versions of some of the key the results of the brilliant ’s survey of researchers in the UK

97 120

Don't forget to be nice to your experiments so that this week, for once, they might actually work

25 77

Cartoon gallery: 3D printing, cake and data quality

4 10