

フォロー数:183 フォロワー数:1055

I personally really love Araki's art style & character designs.

0 12

Lmao these goofy ass "songs" from the last 2 parts 😹😹 The cheese song goat tho 😭

1 7

LMFAOOO this is fucking hilarious 😹😹😹

0 6

Guts type beat 😳😳

1 18

No idea whats going on, but you're nori. You are always wrong

0 2

This game is being remastered lol

0 0

They are right, more right than you can ever be unfortunately

0 1

Female characters who are very feminine & have fanservice, yet that doesn't take away anything about their top tier characterization 🙏🏽🙏🏽

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