

She/her. Bisexual cryptid in the swamps of Colombo. Writes fantasy stories about monsters. Likes cats and tea. Draws cute things and reviews SFF books

フォロー数:326 フォロワー数:278

Hey friends!
Took a break from drawing fan art to finish this acrylic portrait lol. Not perfect but symmetrical enough to not look weird

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Thesus and Asterius is so soft...

Pose based on 'In a Rose Garden' so this would be 'In Elysium' lol

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I'm doing this year but instead of doing a drawing a day I'm trying to work on a ink peice every day! This is the first one which took 3 days. I was going for dreamy and haunting but it came out more horror lol

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Hello friends! Here is a watercolour painting of Savan from Crowning Soul by

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Moontangled (The Harwood Spellbook by Stephanie Burgis: Review

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Hey! My commissions are open! I accept payments through PayPal. I added some recent art work that I did since the commission post

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I overcooked a batch of cookies.
Me: oh no, some of them are a bit too dark
Mother: don't be racist

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Netgalley UK rejecting me after I requested an arc which was not available on regular Netgalley:

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My current feelings about my story

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Literally anyone: X is so hot.
Me: Are they though?

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