

talking about Degrassi until the day I die

フォロー数:653 フォロワー数:1837

It's so cute! From now on we should just use Tom and Jerry as reference photos 😅

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Been a bit rusty with drawing lately, so my go to is to draw something Degrassi related. Here's a Mola✌️

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I just found out that snake Furbies exist and they are truly horrifying. I need one.

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Was watching Every Day today and it made me miss so here's a wee drawing of her 🤗

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Jumping on the wagon created by and drawing myself as a Moomin 🤗 they're too cute not to do this.

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I have been waiting my whole life for Alicia to do a photoshoot with Lane 😍😍😍 it was worth it

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Can we talk about how much my bitmoji actually looks my profile picture though

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