

♋♀ I'm a hobby artist, Spacebound (Probably a Rogue), Prospit dreamer. Watch as a complete idiot tries to put a game together! :v Multi-fandom.

フォロー数:18 フォロワー数:53

Here's the two lands + what my land would look like pre-quest completion. The caged planet is the Land of Cages and Gears, the one with the blue center is the Land of Electricity and Frogs, and the colorful one is the Land of Candy and Frogs.

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So, twitter was not letting me in for whatever reason. ;v; I did get these nice drawings done. The first one is Homestuck related. The second one is an outfit I'd made while I was working for T-Mobile during one of my major Creepypasta kicks. So, Creepypasta hunter outfit!

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Eeeeyy Remember the character Lilith and her posse I posted a while ago? Here's another two character from the same story. Odysseia and her younger sister Phoebe. There is some context that's missing but it'll get explained in the comic when I get that started.

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I'm back~ And feeling so so much better. =)

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So, I drew something FNAF inspired and it's more inspired by 's FNAF illustrations. ;v; Also have the line-art. If you want to color it, go ahead just tag me in the tweet or link to me if you post it off of Twitter.

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Cute witch girl named Alina~ She can only make potions right now because her magic is fairly weak but she tries. <3

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Made a ref for my personaaaa. I don't make refs often :v

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Hey look it's my persona. :v I like this style. So easy to draw lol

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Just messing around with different styles so have these cuties~ (I made the line-art unnecessarily difficult for myself lmao)

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