

Aleu/Glow • 30 • Nonbinary • Aro Ace • art account: @glowscreationsicon / icon by @bunnzart - banner by @wishfulfay

フォロー数:407 フォロワー数:251

✨Appreciation post for the best dragon ✨

I honestly forgot how much I love Hydreigon 😭😭😭💗💗💗

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MAKE ONE!! I have my design!! Her name is Kira nd this is her team! (She also has a shiny Dedenne and a Celebi that she ALWAYS keeps out of their Pokeballs! Navi (Celebi) is shy so she is mostly cloaked and Tiny (Dedenne) is most likely always on Kira's shoulder)

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Look at it!! It’s so beautiful!!!!

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This one is my bat sona !

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(Ps, its all the Rex's in JP!)

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