

Spiritual successor to @textfugu!

EtoEto is a web app for learning Japanese. It is in closed alpha, though we hope to invite you soon.

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Added a new Kuma episode today about going to a job fair at university in Japan!

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New EtoEto: Kuma today! Miyu is learning how to introduce herself in English class.

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EtoEto Monday! Whether you live in another country or in the next room over, remember to talk to your Mom about how you're doing. 💌

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Today's EtoEto: Kuma is about what happens when you have a realtor who is even pickier than you!

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New EtoEto: Kuma! Have you ever tried to modify your own PC? It's not as simple as it looks.

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This week's 2 page EtoEto: Kuma episode is about Pokemon Go!

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