

drawing is on hiatus/ mostly tweet about husbandos or game progress.
Currently play : Star Rail/Lovebrush Chronicles/Grandblue Fantasy/EnsembleStars/FGO

フォロー数:457 フォロワー数:222

Im gonna hate it if the MC will keep that annoying bitch around.
I can't even stand to read her line. She is really annoying. No matter what, please protect the MC from any annoying bitch!

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Baru baca chapter2 awal udah ada kapal berlayar(〒﹏〒).

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KnightxYoungmaster troupe😍😍😍

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When shoujo manwha have BL character. It hit different. I love it!

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Best boii Neraxis!<( ̄︶ ̄)>

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Thank u semangatnya Wulan. Aku ini gak kuat sama art card nya 😭.
Semoga aja 3 hari kelar kalo aku gak ketiduran.

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If I found real life partner, if I could give them my best.
I always afraid to start the relationship. It's better the way I am now.
There's someone that I like for so long. But the feelings never return.
Having that one sided feelings. Just how long it will last.

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If this be real, it would be direct competition with PGR. Since both will have male character playable.
Idk why honkai players disappointed with adding male playable to the game.
The boys looks really cool. I'd like to see Mhyo and Kuro being competitive for their game.

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