

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. NO DM! NO PORN! NO GROUPS!

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A positive attitude, can turn a storm into a sprinkle.

327 1239

Think of it as a bad minute, not a bad day, and you'll be OK.

32 94

If you did it and it went wrong, nothing happens, try again as many times as necessary. Without a doubt, not everything is achieved the first time.
It takes desire, time, passion and courage to make dreams come true.

15 56

Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.


9 48

The world is so full of egotistical leaders now, that it is hard to tell where the lies start, and the humanity ends.#Covid_19

9 22

"The secret to happiness is not always doing what you want, but wanting what you do."#IsolationLife

51 146

When you wake up in the morning, think of the precious privilege of being alive, breathing, thinking, enjoying and loving.

18 62

Same Place During Different Times Of Year

3 10

Friday night time for relax and Tweeting.

6 20