

EvaAzuki -Azuki Human Trait-
I'm not a whale, I'm just a holder who enjoys having fun at Azuki's garden.

フォロー数:2785 フォロワー数:11670

yo! best moment before mint date.
fanart by

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I agree with your words.
TTP on Z and
And I just realized we have the same trait between your azuki and this beanz.

0 11

is it an evolution of my beanz?👀👀

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🔥🔥🔥 yuppp!
yup!! so cool, and leo to ask permission to make it with the assets that we have.

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Yo 🅱️eans/z!
who’s here at least once a week opens the website of azuki to pay attention to the updates?
and always amazed by them every time I open “the garden” page.

3 25

my forever sidekick.
love this beanz because it looks right from all the traits. maybe he's the one created by Steamboy because of his traits.
just my speculation. 😅

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