Eve Keneinan 𝛗☦️نさんのプロフィール画像

Eve Keneinan 𝛗☦️نさんのイラストまとめ

Based Philosopher. Orthodox Christian. Rogue Platonist. The last Bactrian. πολίτης Ἀλεξάνδρειας Ἐσχάτης. Wokeia dēlenda est. λόγον διδόναι. Ἀληθώς Ἀνέστη. ✒️

フォロー数:1849 フォロワー数:14490

The John Stewart Method of force diversity was a losing strat in the long term, since the rule of

"Wouldn't it be cool to show hundreds of Green Lanterns on a splash page?"


"Do not multiply Green Lanterns beyond necessity"

The was lampshaded in the same series:

1 3

Coovvid19 cAMe FrOM PeNAnggALans!! aNYthInG ElsE iS cONSpir-aCy TheORrYy!!1@

3 11

We have reached a NEW LEVEL of stupidity. It is apparently now RACIST to cosplay (and I would assume draw) a character in the way they have always been drawn, ONCE THE CHARACTER HAS BEEN RACE BENT BY PROGRESSIVES.

Just look at all the “racism.”

39 149

What was

I keep seeing anti-GGers trying to REWRITE HISTORY.

So let’s set the record straight, for those who weren’t there.

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