

Some weenie way too into Crash Bandicoot, TF2 and PSG
he/him/they/them, asexual

Open commission slots: 0/3

フォロー数:269 フォロワー数:730

>When you're still on the old Twitter layout while everyone around you is getting stuck with the new one

6 28

Your Handsome Jackposting reminded me that this horrid thing exists

1 1

"I'm DJing at Juan the Small Magical Latino Cat's party tonight, you wanna come?"
Getting excited for Second Term, figured I'd take a crack at making a sprite for my gooey gal Slimedere!
(Outfit design by )

6 21

Figuring I'm not gonna get that draw oc meme totally done in a timely fashion, I've been kind of busy with other stuff, but I might as well show what I've got so far. Featuring a golden goo Crown III and a melon milk Daisy

5 8

Big deals at Sweetie Shakes! Collab with

6 38

Going through my folder, need more Sweetie content

1 21