

buy my stickers or something will happen…………..

フォロー数:6407 フォロワー数:5803

I’m on a little art break and I feel so peaceful, but pls remember I have a hefty collection of stickers, including my beloved range of pride stickers.. the latest of which include a bunch of adorable frogs
💞 love u guys. stay safe

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2/2, muuuuuch more @ the link :D pls find ur fav <3

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btw I added more colorful pride flag froggo stickers so PLS check them out they r so freaking cute
(more in replies)

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highlight of this month so far has been someone randomly buying 10 bi pride froggo stickers <3
thank u kind stranger u made me vvvvvvvv happy last night when I saw 💖💖💖

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I dont have a she/her pan pronoun sticker but I have a blank one u can write on XD

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also made these lil trixic pride stickers for u my fren :D

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