

Blogging about anime since 2002.

フォロー数:591 フォロワー数:554
# flcl

They didn't get far.

1 4

Mamimi did nothing wrong.

1 3

Girl roomie is back.

1 2

Do they really teach this in school?

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Another underrated anime is the second season of Queen's Blade. It is legitimately Mamikore.

Another standout is Hirano Aya perfectly cast as Nanael.

Also, Ayako Doctrine.

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I've forgotten everything about Campanella by this point except that (1) this character is a dragon, and (2) at one point she exclaims, "ARMAGEDDON JA YO!"

And then someone somewhere vector traced this eyecatch to make a 16:10 WUXGA wallpaper.

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I don't know anything about the Sword Art Online games, but I interpret this official art to mean they can just do whatever the Hell they want.

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I can tell Emilia throws like a girl.

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