

To be mad in a deranged world is not madness. It's sanity.

🅾️🅱️ | 🅱️🅱️🅱️ @Azuki | @GRDNCaretakers

Create. Inspire. Travel. Poker. 🤍

フォロー数:1967 フォロワー数:5170

Picked up one of the most aesthetic Beanz. 👀

Working Attire, Chauffeur Cap, Eyes Half-open, Stubble, and a Cup of Coffee to get him through the day. ☕

Who else has a super-aesthetic bean? Post them in the comments; I would love to see them!

5 84

Congrats, ! Make sure to pick up your Ninja Welcome Kit at the Garden entrance.

Enjoy! 🥷 https://t.co/FSouUz12AB

2 21



I heard needed a ninja edit...

Azuki 4588 Spirit Ninja 🥷

Also, make sure to check out the latest spaces with if you haven't yet. 👇 https://t.co/RNU6Ws9b3V

5 39

I was reading and I had a thought..

If Bobu needed a companion to accompany him on a journey, which bean would make the ultimate sidekick?

Post your BEANZ below, and I'll pair them with to see what they would look like.

Who's ready for an adventure?

13 56

Yooo, the is fire. 🔥🔥

Love the art and the Reality and Nightmare Mode is amazing. ☀️🌕


8 39

For all the Bobu holders out there. Enjoy! 💙❤️

20 196

Yooo, this red and blue combo is fresh.

Shout out to for the sick Twin Tigers edit. 🔥🔥

Thank you, thank you. 🙏⛩🐅

3 13