

💕 icon art: krmaamrk | banner art: rurukatt

A girl from California who swears and cries too much for it to be healthy.

フォロー数:532 フォロワー数:48

Everyone's doing it, so 2009 - 2019❤️

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I'm a simple girl I see a female miqo'te I love them that's it

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Finished art? Never heard of her sry

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Hi everyone! I'm Maggie and I'm a casual digital artist who loves elves and more elves. I can be found through this twitter as well. I also tag and because they're both fantastic artist who deserve love and support ❤️

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I like my awoken color coded

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i've blinded myself by making her color pallet blend together too much but thats ok i love her

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I live and breath for awkward characters

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