

More Monkee than business
Banner art by @MillyDusa
Throne page: throne.me/ezroz
Twitch : twitch.tv/ezroz
Kofi: ko-fi.com/ezroz

フォロー数:370 フォロワー数:285

Ever make something, think its kinda dumb but then you decide... "Nah, its cool"?

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Whoops. I dropped this. So clumsy

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We believe you bruce, we very much apreciate our favorite shark!

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Then Sunday... I dunno! Monkee Sunday is gonna be a bit of a shorter one this week, as I have plans in the evening. BUT we will def play something! It might even be one of the 4 games shown below! 12PM CST is the plan!

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heck yeah, I love these threads! I wanna help spread out compliments too!

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Then Monkee Sunday! around noon, we will play.. something! I dunno what yet but I do have 3 ideas... maybe try more Nightmare, maybe be a vampire, maybe start a Samurai Trek? We shall see!

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Friday we continue Friday Fighting Games! We still gotta reach heaven, so its time to go back to Guilty Gear Strive! 5PM CST

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Bless you Angel! Very Pog

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OK.. I have been tagged. be warned, your gonna be sad.

Wallpaper: See below. its the Warcraft one
7th Photo: I've been looking at a lot of photos of my sisters dog, that passed today. RIP Arnie
Last song: Universe on fire by GloryHammer
If you wanna do this, then I tag you https://t.co/nlcNYdwDAv

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