

How many second chances does it take to finally make things right? ||FEH summoner OC, Multiverse friendly. 🔞 Minors DNI, etc…

フォロー数:1035 フォロワー数:990

//I just think she's neat!

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"Uh huh, just a sec."

Digging around in his cloak for his wallet, then pulling it out and opening it up. There's a picture of his daughter front and center.

"...Apparently she's 16 here. Feels weird, knowing they're from the future."

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Reminds me of the last time Emmy DMed me....

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Not so much a as it is a sleepy sunday.

Kenji's fallen asleep, and the cats of Askr have decided to keep him company.

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"So... You said you wanted to see a bunny boy, right?

...I gave it my best shot. Don't make fun of me too hard, ."

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