FinalFantasy Peasantさんのプロフィール画像

FinalFantasy Peasantさんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:66 フォロワー数:6115

This new AI created art craze is still a mindblow. Somewhere between pure bliss, apprehension for the future death of human creativity and hilarious derp. My 4 fav finds today. Agrias. Cloud Cloud. Cloud Vaan mix? Omg if sleeping forest has that vibe im gonna cry🥹

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W00T! First instalment of a series of vids is finally ready! I haven't been this excited for some tinfoil exploration in a while. Berserker Cloud, Norse lore and runic living legacy.🧐Just gotta premier it at a time that doesnt get upstaged by todays 😆

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Yay! A real chonk of a theory has just gone into render. Will premiere it later. I didn't set out to frame our fun little spritely ninja as a straight up murderer but... this theory is really quite dark. 😬Guess that happens when you spend alot of time around Vincent😁

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Holy hell had some great vibes going on. Bit of FF4, definitly 12, 14ish aesthetics. The medieval biz is back! Mixed with Summon faction wars with summons playing active roles? Hopefully the combat goes difficult to match BLOOD! This smells of fans dreams. Bravo

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Quick quesiton, this character Marche in tactics advance I think. Never played. What is this dudes deal? Does he dream himself into Ivalice or something like that? Finding him referenced in seems funky

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When checking your news feed first thing and it really comes through for you 🤯😍. Artist is Liang-Xing and I am fully prepared for Costa Del Sol now!

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curiouser and curiouser..... with a smidge of sexy 😅

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Having to clear PC hardrive space from the masses of BS I've accumulated over the years of editing. Thought I'd share some of my random finds as they pop up lmao😂
This link leads to one of the greatest videos of all time:

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last week omg!! I know some of you buggars have already left the station (so jelous) but for those of us still standing in the pissin spoiler rain. We will be boarding soon 🥳
P.s. got posted this and im trying to find the creator. Its freakin beautiful, must wear it😍

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We hit 11,000 pitchforks!! W00t!! Think this calls for a livestream partayy tonight!

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