Sensei - 2D animatorさんのプロフィール画像

Sensei - 2D animatorさんのイラストまとめ

Artist 2D animator.

フォロー数:678 フォロワー数:1185

I really love just how much I’ve progressed at drawing hands I don’t hate drawing them as much as I used too

2 18

Ryuko appreciation tweet that’s all

14 52

Once offline is back I want to be known for my snake and zss

0 20

After tons of sketches of things I didn’t like I drew something I liked and she turned out to look a lot like takemi from persona lmao

1 11

Trying out a different style of shading and lighting really had a lot of fun and learned a lot

6 18

Rio Futaba from bunny girl senpai. This came out great

0 18